The Briefing Process
The Briefing Process

The Briefing Process

  1. Information Gathering: SMEs should provide detailed information about the product, market, and audience. Executives can offer insights into the strategic goals and brand positioning.
  1. Drafting the Brief: Collaborate to draft the creative brief, ensuring that all key points from the initial meeting are included. This document should be clear, concise, and comprehensive.
  1. Review and Feedback: Circulate the draft brief among all stakeholders for review and feedback. Make necessary revisions to ensure that everyone’s input is incorporated and that the brief accurately reflects the campaign goals.
  1. Final Approval: Obtain final approval from all stakeholders before moving forward. This ensures that everyone is aligned and that there are no misunderstandings about the campaign objectives.
  1. Ongoing Involvement: Keep SMEs and executives involved throughout the creative development process. Regular check-ins and updates can help ensure that the work stays on track and aligns with the brief.