Pardon the Lifetime Construction Project - 7.20.24
Pardon the Lifetime Construction Project - 7.20.24

Pardon the Lifetime Construction Project - 7.20.24

This content site was created using a few of the tools that I frequently use to enhance my work and personal life. Accumulating and applying knowledge is an iterative, life-long process. I am not known for my art direction or programming chops, but this is my swing at bringing some accumulated knowledge into a more conversational format. Here is a bit of a dive into the system.
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Readwise/Reader - This app is a “read it later” on steroids (sorry, cliche works here). I save articles, books, tweets, PDFs, and more, all with my highlights and notes. The data integrates with and synthesizes multiple apps and devices I use throughout the day. The Readwise output feeds directly into my Notion and Obsidian files. I’ve been with Readwise since its beginning and it has been a HUGE addition to my life.
Obsidian - I use Obsidian for my Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) database, ideation (intended to be driven by the database), and writing (driven by both). Obsidian is open-source and takes some time and work learning and populating but is well worth the effort. It’s also free. I’ve been on their paid (one-time, minimal investment) Beta program for a while and really did it more of as a contribution. I want ideas like Obsidian to thrive. I’m still learning the tool and may take more advantage of those Beta features/pay attention at a later date. The community add-ons are fantastic and part of the reasons I love this app. For a sophisticated, thought-linking database, it has a wonderfully simple, light and distraction-free ideation and writing canvas.
Notion - Also a PKM, but my closer to finished or finished projects are stored here. Additionally, it’s where I store important documents, articles, and data like my social security number. Ok, not really my social security number, but second or third-tier info and data. I have left and come back to Notion several times and this is the biggest commitment to the platform I’ve made to date. I’ve tested countless PKMs as they are always so enticing when they launch. I keep coming back to Notion because there is no other PKM that can do so many of the things I need it to do. My one major issue with Notion is that it’s really heavy/ clunky/slow and not conducive to quick thoughts, ideation or writing. I am writing this (as the site is live and I’m a daredevil) on Notion and it’s not smooth at all.
The Navigation is rough too, but Notion also serves as my my unsexy, but highly functional and integrated CMS. This brings me to the necessity of the next use case.
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Potion - Potion is also a CMS where I can do some coding (by “I”, I mean ChatGPT) or use their templates to clean it up a bit before bringing it live. I’ve used Potion since its inception and even had full access to its smart and kind creator. Unfortunately, I’ve used the app as more of a direct transition from Notion to live. Through the efficiency of ChatGPT, I am determined to improve the navigation of this site. Speaking of:
ChatGPT - I use ChatGPT for novice-level DIY tech help, light marketing or health analytics, a journal with my data and goals, a comparison shopper and a brainstorming partner that helps find relevant data and information and organize thoughts. ChatGPT is great for helping with writing technical specs, straightforward benefit copy, or as an SEO ideator (obviously nothing like SEM Rush or the vast array of other tools, but much more integrated with my technology). As you know if you’ve tried to use it for writing anything else, it’s grammatically challenged and unable to convincingly portray emotion.
I had ChatGPT write a blog to explain some of this in their words and you’ll see what I mean. It’s a great summary, driven by my inputs, but it’s also an editor’s head exploding. I will cover the danger and ethics of AI at some point, I do have some facts and opinions on this.
Siri/Apple Notes - There is no better way to remember 90% of your thoughts and ideas. I’ll have them on top when they close that gap and I get to spend less time deciphering notes like this:
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